kleiberg - kruitberg
30أيار / مايو 2009Op 30 mei , 14.00 uur is op het Spinoza Festival de mogelijkheid uw Harde Uitspraak over de zin van het leven kenbaar te maken. De uitspraken komen terecht in het kunstwerk van Thomas Hirschhorn.
Uncanny translating
Translating dating puns
At first instance it all seems to easy, substituting an english word for a dutch word. A great vocabulary and knowledge of grammar are of great help when translating texts, but even then it is hard...
Mediamatic Lab
Mediamatic is a cultural organization in Amsterdam that works on the cultural use of new technologies. They do exhibitions, workshops, exhibitions, lectures and workshops. The sister organization...
DISH 2009
Conference on Digital Strategies for Heritage
Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH) is a new bi-annual international conference on digital heritage and the opportunities it offers to cultural organisations. Triggered by changes in society
Festsaal Kreuzberg
Structures Node 1: Global Alchemy Global Alchemy
13Jun 200914Jun 2009Structures Node 1: Global Alchemy is a two-day event to explore raw sounds from unexpected corners of the world and to reflect on musical transformations induced by processes of globalization.
Roel Stavorinus
My experience is within the design industry. Projectmanagement, communications and designmanagement, always in design related projects, are the functions I feel comfortable in. I specialize in...
Graduation Bouquet
annex Publicity Plant
On July 1st 2009 Sander Veenhof (1973) is graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld art academy in Amsterdam. To color up that occasion and to attract attention to himself in an overly busy contemporary...
Matt Soar
I am an intermedia artist, designer and teacher based in Montréal.
Universiteit van Amsterdam
De beslotenheid van sociale netwerken
6Jun 2009Een lezing als onderdeel van de UvA Universiteitsdag voor alumni 2009. Van 15:30 tot 16:30 in de Oudemanhuispoort.
Retyping Dante
Typ mee aan de Goddelijke Komedie van Dante!
Op 15 mei 2009 zal in Museum Catharijneconvent in Utrecht het project 'Retyping Dante' geopend worden. 'Retyping Dante' is een kunstwerk over internet en de culturele ontwikkelingen rond Web 2.0.
Purple Brain
16أيار / مايو 200913Sep 2009Bruno Peinado's solotentoonstelling Purple Brain.
Het Ketelhuis
Strawberry Earth
5Jun 20096Jun 2009On 5 and 6 June in The Ketelhuis cinema in Amsterdam, Greenchoice and Strawberry Earth will present the latest and best films with a green theme. They're combining premieres, Q&A’s with directors and...
Natalia Dominguez Rangel's WatSpinoza? performance
My Name is Spinoza opening
During the opening of the My Name is Spinoza manifestation at Mediamatic, on May 8 2009 at 17:00 hrs, Natalia Dominguez Rangel presented her WatSpinoza? performance. Natalia is a composer with a BA...
Tjarda de Haan
Webmaster Creative Cities Amsterdam Area (CCAA).
Jeremiah Day / SMBA in het kader van MyNameIsSpinoza
In samenwerking met het Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam realiseert kunstenaar Jeremiah Day (VS, 1974) zijn concept voor ‘Krakersmonument’, een kustwerk in de openbare ruimte.
Bart Vegter and The Magic I.D.
6أيار / مايو 2009A double header of audio visual antidotes to the arbitrary, the proprietary, and the mundane!
Lieve Dehasque
Ingrid Bruynse
Amit Sanwal
Searching for a soulmate
an engineer by education and a businessman by profession. Born in Delhi and currently promoting my business in Lucknow. Love Hills, beautiful women, driving on hills, parents. One quote resembles me...
Miguel Angel Melgares
I’ve hunted a red deer, to make a canvas From the flowers I got the pigment I’ve molded the mud I refused the contract I lived as a bohemian I fought as a warrior I’ve lived without money I lowered...