European Sound Delta
8Aug 20089Aug 2008European Sound Delta - LE PLACARD festival, is a mobile project on the Danube and Rhine Rivers focusing on radio and media art using sounds of European cities. Two teams will be traveling on both...
Marije Janssen
Media-addict On- and offline feminist (and proud of it!) Curious Adventurous Freelance writer/observer Recent projects: Pinched - Sex, love & countercultures (www.pinched.nl) Favorite words: gender...
Claire Dekker
Freelance Graphic Designer in Amsterdam www.clairedekker.com
Voormalig Fotomuseum
Masterclass "Creative Research"
1Jan 200831Dec 2008"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science" - Albert Einstein.
Joost de Leij
Art, Advertising, Photography & Social Media
Joost de Leij (Maastricht, 1982) studied Business Adminstration and Marketing, graduating in 2006 with a specialisation in Art and Advertising. Nowadays his companies Red Revolver and Limelights...
Ain't no box for me. I got sunshine in a bag.
Mediamatic has moved
After a few lovely years in the Post CS building, Mediamatic is now located in Duintjer CS (the ABN AMRO bank building).
Thomas Clever
Bram Pauwels
Hi to all! I am a passionate Portuguese guy for Marketing and Creativity. I am working as a Marketing freelance in some cultural writing projects (UNESCO) and designing music playlists for events.
Enrique Uralde Blanco
Ciaran Patrick Rose
Movement and performance, as a personal development and challenging personal perceptions in the way we conduct our lives: Interests in physical movement and games to enhance thinking. 'Move to Think'...
book: Nico van den Boogert 28 Jun 2002
inleiding in het arabische schrift
This book aims to be an introduction to Arabic script. It uses big letters and assures the reader that several hours of concentrated study should be enough to master it.
Stéphanie Vilayphiou
French graphic designer, now studying at the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam in MA Media Design.
1993 David Lyon
The Electronic Eye
The Rise of Surveillance Society
sara palomeque
spaans, student van kunst, richting instabiele media architectuur/bouwkundig afgestudieerd gek op goede boeken en muziek
Het moet maar eens afgelopen zijn met die rommel Robert Pennekamp
Maak wat moois van al die rotzooi
13Sep 2008Ik ben kunstenaar en buurtbewoner van Amsterdam Oost Watergraafsmeer. Voor mijn deur ligt iedere dag grof vuil, omdat ik voor een ophaal punt van grof vuil woon. Grof vuil is een algemeen probleem
Gabriele Trützschler von Falkenstein
Claud Biemans
nature and culture
city botanist science writer physics editor culture organiser late night performer
Valerie Frissen
Communicatiewetenschapper en werkzaam als onderzoeker bij TNO.
Hedwig te Molder
Hoogleraar Science Communication aan de universiteit van Twente.
book: Ben Hurkmans, J. Simons 1 Jan 2005
All that Dutch
International art policy.
All that Dutch combines visions from art professionals, academics and policymakers about international art policy.
book: Chris Eliasmith, Charles Anderson 1 Sep 2004
Neural Engineering
Comptation, Representation and Dynamics in Neurobiological Systems
Neural Engineering, Chris Eliasmith and Charles Anderson provide a synthesis of the disparate approaches current in computational neuroscience, incorporating ideas from neural coding, neural...