Travel Stories
7Jun 200820Jul 2008Travel Stories is a collaborative project produced for Casco by Danish artist Pia Rönicke, Kurdish writer Zeynel Abidin Kizilyaprak, which thinks about the nature of how stories are shared, heard and...
Navigatie en virtualiteit Dewi Pinatih
Workshop GPS drawing bij Platform21
5Jun 20086Jun 2008Donderdag 5 juni om 19.30 uur en vrijdag 6 juni om 13.00 uur leert Wood je de basisprincipes van GPS drawing. Door met een GPS systeem in de hand, wandelingen te maken door het park onstaat een...
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Any Media Documentary Workshop @ IDFA
21Nov 200826Nov 2008Mediamatic and IDFA organized a 5-day workshop to augment your documentary practice. Participants researched which new media tools worked for their content ideas, and how to incorporate them. We also...
Jakub Havránek
Bertha Bermudez
Bertha Bermudez works since 1998 with dance company Emio Greco | PC. First as a dancer and since 2004 as assistant and researcher on Dance Transmission. She has been involved on the project...
Kunnen we het maken? Nou en of! Hogeschool INHOLLAND
De stad als laboratorium
21أيار / مايو 2008De plaatsen waar kunst en cultuur in Rotterdam worden aangeboden zijn aan het veranderen. Het Fotomuseum verhuisde naar de Wilhelminapier. Lantaren/Venster volgt over een paar jaar. Deze verhuizingen...
Een dynamisch fotoweekend voor een breed publiek. foam
Foam_fusion # 2
24أيار / مايو 200825أيار / مايو 2008Na een zeer succesvolle eerste editie in 2006, organiseert Foam_Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam op 24 en 25 mei 2008 voor de tweede keer Foam_fusion. Foam_fusion is een dynamisch fotoweekend voor een...
Huis a/d Werf
22أيار / مايو 200831أيار / مايو 2008In een tijdperk waarin technologie het goede gesprek heeft overgenomen, probeert METRO-BOULOT-DODO je ervan te overtuigen om te stoppen met sms’en en te beginnen met praten.
PJ Bruyniks
Student Rietveld - Dogtime Organisator kunstprojecten Begeleider brainstormsessies Maker van schilderijen, installaties en sculpturen
Denise Pires
interaction design, usability and accessibility
Student New Media, MA @ the University of Amsterdam. Former student Communication and Multimedia Design with a minor in Interaction Design. Fields of interest: usability, interaction design, user...
Paul Wouters
interested in the dynamics of knowledge
Programme leader of the Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences, an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; and Professor of Knowledge Dynamics at the...
University of Brighton David Rogerson
Expo Unconference
4Jun 20084Jun 2008Date: Friday 4th July Expo Unconference is about discussing ideas about and around sonic art. By ‘sonic art’ we mean anything that uses sound with artistic intent. We're looking for people to...
13 أيار / مايو 2008
Curatorial Training Programme
Para/Site Art Space - Hong Kong Jockey Club
This eight-month course (August 2008 to March 2009) will introduce the four participants to the state of today's international contemporary art, enabling them to navigate the art world confidently...
A conference about ideology and design
18أيار / مايو 2008Société Réalist and Marko Stamenkovic, independent curator and writer, proposed to present the TRANSITIONERS' 2008 Political Trend Collection module in your-space from May 8th to May 25th, 2008, in...
stefanie grätz
Theater Zeebelt
It is what it is
30أيار / مايو 20081Jun 2008Eindpresentaties in 5 akten van het onderzoek van Andreas Bachmair (theatermaker/DasArts) naar de uitwisseling tussen publiek en theatermaker, de verbeelding, het spel en het leven nu.
Zeebeltproductie i.s.m. DasArts Theater Zeebelt
Work in Progress
22أيار / مايو 2008Sarah van Lamsweerde (theatermaker/DasArts) onderzoekt hoe live ‘fototableau's’ gecombineerd met voice-over composities, het verhaal achter een familieportret kan oproepen in de verbeelding van de...
Theater Zeebelt
The Perfect Lecture
8أيار / مايو 2008"The Perfect Lecture is a perfect lecture that detects the fruitful boundaries and fertile privileges of the medium lecture in lecture form. A lecture form that exists on a meta-lecture-level, that...
how to 'web 2.0 enable' your live event
By David Spark, Founder of Spark Media Solutions, LLC
Most important aspects mentionned in the article: Beginning conversation - Give reasons to participate (topics and debate issues) - Collect blogs and user accounts of attendees (show available...
Jan Misker
Projectmanager at V2_Lab, multidisciplinary approach to art, science and technology
Jan Misker was appointed project manager at V2_, the Institute for the Unstable Media, in 2006. At V2_ he is responsible for managing projects that have a strong technological and/or scientific...
Boom Wehmeyer
Judith van den Boom (NL) and Gunter Wehmeyer (GER) unite in BoomWehmeyer, a duo that explores new kinds of cross-disciplinary research and design development. Their active topics explore the...
Available For You
1Apr 200831أيار / مايو 2008'Available For You' is a site-specific process based project. It combines a dynamic interaction in the public sphere next to a growing presentation in an exhibition space.
Felix Meritis
Masters of Intervention #5
1Jan 200831Dec 2008In cooperation with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (University of Amsterdam) and the council of Amsterdam, the Office for Social Engineering will present the most original contemporary...