Eelco van der Lingen
Bart Overeem
Graveur/engraver -- loves working with (jewellery-) artists
Maarten Brinkerink
Maarten Brinkerink holds a Master's degree in New Media and Digital Culture, and works at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision R&D department. He loves (making) music.
michiel thissen
Psycholoog / Psychologist
www.mythosconsultancy.nl www.mythos-psychology.com
Eleni Katsali
My connection, your perception.
i like to communicate. no. i love to communicate. public space vs private space social space green space ............................................. what am i missing? .
Remco Stig
Michael Gibbs
artist, teacher (Design Academy Eindhoven), art critic......
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eelco Wagenaar
...../unstable media/art/interactivity/hacking/on-signal.org/.....
Amsterdam based media artist. At this moment finishing the Master of Fine Arts program at Dutch Art Institute. Being a former product developer/project manager at a major technology company (consumer...
pantelis koutas
best place to be: Thailand second best place : Laos where I come from: Greece where I live: Amsterdam
Ganna Verhoeven
Nina Serebrenick
likes turning things around to get you out of where you think you are
fine arts student at the rietveld academie. interested in people, objects, interaction, breaking up rules, beautiful things and some ugly things too, smiles, words, colours, places, stories, cities
Burg Giebichenstein
Professur (W2) Kommunikationsdesign / Illustration
An der Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule für Kunst und Design Halle ist im Fachbereich Design zum SS 2008 nachfolgende Stelle zu besetzen: Professur (W2) Kommunikationsdesign / Illustration
Crisja Ran
graphic designer
Eervolle vermelding El HEMA ontwerpwedstrijd 2007 Petra van der Burg 1 Jan 2007
Roller Burka Blinds
Watch out!
Roller Burka Blinds have netted see-through-burka-peep-holes. You can watch the neighbours, but they can't see you!
Twitterazi Tracker and the PICNIC Aggregator
"What are you doing?" is the general question Twitter poses us. It neglects to ask us "Where are you doing it?" in the age of the trackable and the increasing focus on the hyperlocal web.
The Lowlands 2007 festival was well covered by the Dutch Twitter community with 2500-3000 tweets. The Lowlands Twitter meetup was attented by 15 people. Data was collected from different sources...
Erik Borra
Erik Borra is New Media developer at the University of Amsterdam's New Media program, freelance programmer and web researcher. He is the lead programmer, as well as researcher, for the Digital...
honden aan de lijn bordjes
Tijdens mijn stage bij Studio Annelys de Vet werk ik samen met Annelys de Vet, Rudy J. Luijters en Onno Dirker aan het Wickelhofpark. In dit park, te Mijdrecht, zijn typische elementen uit het...
Vlad Trifa
Researcher in robotics with perpetual art & media hunger
Vlad is a research associate with SAP Research in Zürich, and studies Wireless Sensor Networks in the context of Enterprise Service-Oriented Architectures.He is also a PhD student at the Institute...
Paul van Berkel
أدوات البحث
Paul studied graphic design at the Academy of Arts in Den Bosch. He worked in London and Amsterdam. Specialising in branding and online communication. Since the beginning of 2007 he runs his own...
Mediamatic Post CS
El HEMA Koopavond 11
13Sep 200713Sep 2007On this evening everyone could enjoy choc-a-bloc with video art, images, audio and performance, strung together by 3 distinguished guests: Mounira Al Solh, Paul Keller and Tarek Atoui. The evening...