gisela albuquerque
Luminous Green Symposium
30Apr 2007Ecologically inspired and sustainable worlds.
Witte de With
Isa Genzken Special is Sold Out!
24Mar 2007The afternoon of panel discussions, presentations and lectures to discuss and explore Isa Genzken’s work in depth can no longer be attended.
workshop: STEIM
Mobile Music Workshop
2Apr 20078أيار / مايو 2007Combining music and mobile technology promises exciting future developments in a rapidly emerging field. Devices such as mobile phones, Walkmans and iPods have already brought music to the ever
Madelinde Hageman
new media, motion graphics & print design
Philippe Baret
Web journalist & content manager
cedric flazinski
Any Designer
Cedric Flazinski has gone normal http://normalfutu.re
presentation: Paard van Troje
Info Aesthetics
9Mar 2007Simultaneous audio/visual presentation and debate in talkshow form.
Jeroen Mirck
Mirck Media
Former journalist, working in the communication industry.
Duncan Shingleton
Duncan Shingleton is an undergraduate student, enrolled on BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Art and Technology at the University of Plymouth. His research is centered on the emergence of RFID (Radio Frequency...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.1#1 Willem Velthoven 22 Feb 1986
To Talk Back or to Talk With
Interview with Dara Birnbaum
At the end of 1985 the American artist Dara Birnbaum was in the Netherlands for a contribution to the Talking Back to the Media festival which took place in November. Birnbaum's early video-works are...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.1#1 Tony Morgan 1 Jan 1986
The Media Explosive Years 1960- 1980
Autobiographical research into the meaning of media/medium.
At the beginning of the sixties I believe that many artists and poets who would have become painters in another decade, moved towards performance, video, photography and a very anti-museum quasi
party: NAi
Museumnacht @ NAi
9Mar 200710Mar 2007Het NAi staat in de spotlights tijdens de Museumnacht Programma Rotterdamse Museumnacht in het Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (NAi)
party: Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
Avond van Schuld en Schuldgevoel
17Feb 200718Feb 2007Een bont en avondvullend programma rondon het thema schuld.
Keir Neuringer
I play the saxophone and compose electronic and acoustic music. I also write texts and make videos and installations. (My curating activity is on hold.) I was born in New York in 1976, grew up in the...
Davy T.
Student Communicatiewetenschappen Marketing-specialist E-design lover
De Unie
24Jan 2007Hoe moet de stad Rotterdam haar binnenstad verdichten?
De Unie
Sous l'éclat des lampes
20Jan 2007Een eigentijds concert voor zang, stem en piano.
Sjaak Stolker
Copywriter/publicist uit Wateringen (NL)
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
The Girlfriend Experience
26Jan 20079Mar 2007Martin Butler presented four human avatars to play with. You could log in at home with your character of choice. You could direct the avatar, explore the space and challenge him or her. The avatars...
Robert Pennekamp
www.brainstormbureau.nl www.robertpennekamp.nl
Thanasis Kanakis
Interested in media theory, interactive installations, video, audio and space. Living and working in Berlin
exhibition: Arti et Amicitiae
29Dec 20066Jan 2007Ter afsluiting van het Rembrandt jaar organiseren Chiel van Zelst en Peter Huybrechts de door Epson en Amsterdam Partners gesponsorde tentoonstelling en veiling ´Rembrandt the Remix´.
How Small Can Beat the Big
An essay by phD student and thinglink.org founder Ulla-Maaria Mutanen, originally published in Platform21's Positive Alarm. Positive Alarm aims to turn a negative into a positive using art and...