Luigi Ghirri, Nicosia, Cyprus
Alana Kakoyiannis
Alana Kakoyiannis is a filmmaker based in New York City and Nicosia, Cyprus. Her work ranges from interview-based documentary to abstract, image-dominated experimentalism. Currently enrolled in...
Het Veem Theater
L'Usine op Zondag
3Dec 2006Enkele keren per jaar wordt L'Usine op Zondag georganiseerd. Theatermakers Ton Heijligers en Roy Peters ontvangen gasten in een gevarieerde salon, die wordt samengesteld onder de weidse noemer...
Workshop Archive De Balie
Any Media Documentary workshop presentation
30Nov 2006Presentation of final results of the Mediamatic Any Media Documentary workshop. The past 5 days a bunch of international documentary makers developed prototypes of new media documentaries.
Wearable Workshop Recap
10 | 11 | 12 November 2006
Who was there, what they made and how. As information technology continues to shrink in size, ideas of incorporating its capabilities into other things than the traditional forms of computers are...
lecture: Mediamatic Post CS
Blogjects Lecture
17Nov 2006The physical and the digital world are fusing, according to Julian Bleecker. The virtual life is becoming entangled with the real life, and the other way around. This Blogjects lecture showed us all...
Enhanced Benches
Furniture made active with biochemistry
Mateusz Herczka proposes a new line of furniture for the homes, outdoors, public spaces and institutions.
exhibition: Witte de With
Is it because I'm black?
18Oct 2006Event bij 'Street: behind the cliche'. Een avond vol beeldende kunst, gesprekken, dans en muziek.
exhibition: Smart Project Space
Last Lives in the Universe
21Oct 200618Nov 2006Intimate attitudes are gleaned from and woven into expansive ideas, becoming both a celebration of individual empowerment and a haunting ground for loneliness and isolation.
Workshop Archive
Workshop Any Media Documentary @ IDFA
25Nov 200630Nov 2006Makers of creative documentaries need to come to terms with an explosion of existing new media channels and practices, in terms of conceiving, producing as well as publishing documentary projects.
workshop: Mediamatic Post CS
Stocking up the winter garden
4Nov 2006On the 4th of November, Mediamatic opened the next exhibition Winter Garden , which filled the ground floor with plants, robobeings and other electronic life forms. In light of current do-it
festival: Graz
steirischer herbst
21Sep 200615Oct 2006A traditional festival of avant-garde presents playwright Fritz Kater who takes a profound, evil and comical look at the dependency structures of everyday office life, New York’s off-scene star...
Mediamatic Post CS
Mona Lisa's Smile
18Sep 2006A salon with presentations of Nicu Sebe on emotion recognition, Stani Michiels on his nomadic internet cafe and Tjebbe van Tijen on his scrolls.
performance: Mediamatic Post CS
Audio Drive In-Out met Aux Raus
6Oct 2006Radios with CARS attached. A gabba punk band and their copycats. A car park full of boomcars and passenger vehicles. Cranked up, FULL VOLUME. This was the Audio Drive of Sasker Scheerder and Aux Raus.
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
15Sep 200622Oct 200640 years of visual narrative- an overview of the beautiful layered image rolls/ scrolls of Tjebbe van Tijen. Mediamatic hosted this exhibition with long and also very interesting panoramas telling...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 1 Jan 1991
the Telephone Book
The telephone rings. Yes? Telephony originates from this hesitating acceptance. Taking a call means making oneself answerable. This is the point of departure for The Telephone Book, produced by...
festival: Black Rock Desert
Hope and Fear: the Future
28Aug 20064Sep 2006How does man create futuriy, manifested as an expression of the promise of our hopes and the contractions of our fears? That is what this year's Burning Man festival will try to answer with its...
MUHKA, Van Abbemuseum
14Sep 2006Academy is an series of exhibitions and projects that seeks to have the artist learn from the museum and vice versa. By inviting both curators and artists to a round table, Academy hopes to achieve...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven 1 Jan 1991
Annemie van Kerckhoven is a Belgian artist who wears her politics on her panties.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Alfred Birnbaum 1 Jan 1991
Alfred Birnbaum is an American telematic nomad and polyglot, who works as a writer, translator and artist. Most of the time he hovers around Asia.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Bert Mulder 1 Jan 1991
Media, Information & Me
Bert Mulder is a pioneer in computer-supported cooperative work. He works at Veronica Broadcasting Company and is currently learning Chinese in order to read Confucius.
Mediamatic Magazine 6#2/3
The Old Media Issue — winter 1991
Sign language is the oldest time-based visual medium. Only in recent decades have those with a normal sense of hearing begun to realize that deaf sign language is not simply a 'crutch'; it is a...
performance: Desmet Studio's
Performance Art
30Jul 2006With the mobile subversive gallery schijnheilig, Thora Solveig Bergsteinsdotter and Edwin van der Werve, DJ Tamara and bstn stkhzn.
presentation: Platform21
Me and my Character
26Jul 2006Meet Leaflet and have a picknick with her
17Nov 200618Nov 2006On the variations that characterize the various creative industries that are scattered around the globe, and how these correlate with the locations of the institutes themselves.