Noise Room Opening
15Dec 200531Jan 2006The Noise Room is a surround sound installation that will be open for six weeks in winter, playing work from Mouse on Mars, Jason Forrest, Stereolab, Atom Heart and others.
Witte de With
Bernadette Corporation
18Nov 2005The Bernadette Corporation was an underground fashion label from 1994 to 1997, when it morphed into an independent art magazine, and has lately become a book Reena Spaulings and also a film...
Last Night On Earth
25Nov 2005This will be part two of the increasingly inaccurate doomsday. Featuring Subtitle (Giovanni Marks), Julian S Process, My Little Soundsystem, David Gilmour Girls and News.
Andy Smith
The face of the AndyFace
Andy Smith is a Flock / Jaiku / Symbolic Table developer who has an interesting hobby. He calls himself Andy “Bad Motherfucker Smith"
27Nov 200527Nov 2005Don't feel guilty anymore because you are going shopping on Sunday. Don't be bored anymore because you must go shopping on Sunday. SALE# will offer you material and mental comfort products.
Studio 80
Dysfunctionalbeats 01
5Nov 2005A new steady fixture in Studio-80, full of breakcore and electro but with a steadfast foot in theory. For the composition, language, manipulation of information, understanding of structures
De Balie
Witches and Bitches
31Oct 2005Witches and Bitches is a theater piece created especially for ELECTRA in which the lovely ladies take up their instruments (electric violin, marimba) to kick up a cauldron worthy storm. Prequeled by...
Micromusic event
27Oct 2005The bouncing gameboyers are back in town. Get your bleeps on!
Sugar Factory
22Oct 2005Glitter, Glamrock and Electrodiscopopfunk. If you're lucky, everyone will be taking off their shirts too.
Cafe Pakhuis Wilhelmina
Rietveld Party
School's out (for a week)
Another Wilhelmina extravaganza.
Motor Ship Stubnitz
Cultural experience from the Black see to the…
9Sep 2005An international Russian program organised by Salon USSR on board of the Stubnitz
9Sep 200510Sep 2005During the 9th and 10th of September, you can buy all access tickets to Club 11, Hotel Arena, Cockring, Dansen bij Jansen, Escape, Exit, Jimmy Woo, Korsakoff, The Mansion, Marcanti-Kingdom, Melkweg
Tribeca Performing Arts Center (TPAC)
15Sep 200518Sep 2005With director presentations, panels, lots of movies and (drumroll, please) SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO as the closing act, their dj act finally being somewhere else than the strip joint in Puddleton, England.
Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
Short ride in a fast machine
3Sep 2005Submarine en Submarinechannel.com bestaan 5 jaar
OT 301
Harakiri Disco!
9Sep 2005You are invited to the party! Hello!
Lowmechanik/ Rawpikzl DVD release
30Sep 2005Featuring Maersk, Deng Zero, DJ Tunan, Seegee, Tubish, Toktek, Apzolut, Jorg, VD inc., the Smokecella and Modules.
Mediamatic Post CS
20Aug 2005Mediamatic's Garagebox was our lovely hangout spot, where we enjoyed some, or quite a lot of drinks, great music and just good old fashioned fun. On this night everyone enjoyed heart cookies and one
13Aug 2005The second edition of the woman-friendly club night in Paradiso, this time with Steffi (Klakson) and Monika Electronica on decks and VJ Flavor for visuals.
De Nieuwe Anita
Basement swimming
13Aug 2005An indoor swimmingpool below water level will kick off the summer program of the Foyer at de Nieuwe Anita.
Cafe Pakhuis Wilhelmina
Last night on earth
12Aug 2005Music, VJs, blood and just another reason to drink foreign beer.
Voormalige Rechtbank
13Aug 2005Throughout August, Impakt will be organizing outdoor filmscreenings with nice steaks on the side every Saturday. The 2nd Impakt barbeque bears the encouraging theme of disaster and dispair.
Voormalige Rechtbank
27Aug 2005Throughout August, Impakt will be oraganizing outdoor filmscreenings with nice steaks on the side every Saturday. The last night will be especially festive, with gluttonous amounts of food and...
Voormalige Rechtbank
20Aug 2005Throughout August, Impakt will be oraganizing outdoor filmscreenings with nice steaks on the side every Saturday. The program remains somewhat of a surprise, but will undoubtably be true to...
Robodock 05
21Sep 200524Sep 2005The festival with installation art and spectacle, drillcore and robots, performance and design is back in town.