Voormalige Rechtbank
6Aug 2005AV-BBQ is een combinatie van openluchtvoorstellingen met een smakelijke barbecue en een feestelijke cocktailbar. Presentator Kees Brienen verzorgt tevens de muzikale omlijsting.
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
13Jul 200517Jul 2005Performances and installations to complement the clubnights in the Melkweg and the Paradiso. Some spatial pieces and some DJ sets. Also a performance with the most interesting title: Do we really...
De Nieuwe Anita
Wasser Umsonnst Gasueze
16Jul 2005And the bands Drillem, Post Office, Harakiri Sisters, Low Point Drains.
15Jul 200510Sep 2005A boat stranded in Amsterdam-noord for the summer bringing us music from the likes of Khonnor, Tunng, Wolf Eyes, DJ Filastine and the Infernal Noise Brigade. As well as afterparties and buzz click...
De Player
Secret Mommy + Filastine
Breakcore and electronica from North America.
Filastine, who, amongst a myriad of other genres, also considers himself to be part of the Bacteria movement. MC Subzero Permafrost and butoh artist d.k. will accompany him in performance.
24Jun 2005The evening will start with food, unforgivable amounts of it. It will continue with the two minute visions of the future by Dick Tuinder, Menno Wigman, Anna Tilroe, Nina Targan Mouravi, Chris Junge
STEIM presents the Hub and friends
23Jun 2005With Tim Perkis & Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Roddy Schrock & Robert van Heumen. The Hub is a veteran computer network band, and will be performing Thursday with part of the band in Berlin and part of...
De Nieuwe Anita
Cultureel café? Jakkiebah!
17Jun 200518Jun 2005Een middagborrel en een avondfeest, met Amsterdammers en soms ook niet Amsterdammers.
Greenaway? I thought he made movies.
17Jun 2005Club11 has initiated a new program called CNCDNC, in which renown filmmakers will take place behind the VJ controls and explore their live editing skills. This month the honor is all Peter...
Rietveld Party
30Jun 2005Random exhibitions, acts, music, bands, people.
Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival
9Jun 200515Jun 2005Hammer and Tong's feature film the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy will premiere at the AFFF, a masterclass will be held with Ray Harryhausen, the stop animator, and a lot of hard to find japanese...
Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
23Jun 20052Jul 2005International Theatreschool Festival now emcompasses all of the following locations: Theater Frascati, Theater De Engelenbak, Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond, het Compagnietheater and Perdu.
Wolf Eyes
26Jun 2005Some rather abrasive noises offset by some more subtle but arresting drones.
Modeshow in 11
15Jun 2005The latest and the greatest from the Rietveld Fashion Department.
Metropolis Festival
3Jul 2005except for the Dears, Sons and Daughters, Mando Diao, Drillem and Secret Machine of course.
5 days off
13Jul 200517Jul 2005Including but not limited to: Jamie Lidell (live), Mouse On Mars (live), DJ Hell, LCD Soundsystem (live), Akufen (dj set), Autechre (live), Miss Kitten vs. The Hacker (live), Whitey (live), M.I.A.
Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam
2Jun 2005This nachtsalon will feature Gabriel Rios, Toneelgroep Amsterdam and the Helsinki choir (who are from Amsterdam as well...)
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Múm meets Xenakis
11Jun 2005Conducter Peter Eötvös leads the Radio Kamerorkest in works by Iannis Xenakis and Notturno by Helmut Lachenmann, as the icelandic múm contrasts the harsh compositions with their fragile electronica.
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Warp meets London Sinfonietta
10Jun 2005An unusual combination from two different worlds of music, visual invasions and the premiere of Rubber Johnny.
Sandberg Exhibition 2005
The Mystery of New Art
22أيار / مايو 20055Jun 2005With performance, food and music provided by Traffic Jam Sound System. Opening 21st of May, 20:00.
12أيار / مايو 2005Performance part of the live-program from the exhibition Resonance from Montevideo.
Filmtheater Rialto
Disorientation - new ways of storytelling
3Jun 20051Jul 2005The deconstruction of narrative as we know it is a slow but ongoing process. Storytellers nowadays deconstruct and disorient in their storytelling, producing new inventive ways of communication. In...
Gameboy Party Music Night
11أيار / مايو 200512أيار / مايو 2005Common sense would dictate: use instruments to make music. But do the instruments necessarily have to be designed for that specific purpose? On tool modification and hardcore.
Theater Kikker
14أيار / مايو 2005Ralph van Raat speelt Andriessen, Vandal X, Louis Sclavis / Ernst Reijseger en Forss.