Bazel / Stadsarchief Amsterdam
NY Perspectives
13أيار / مايو 2009In het Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Vijzelstraat 32 op woensdag 13 mei vanaf 20.00 tot 22.00
Malleability Revisited
27Apr 2009Met het project 'Malleability Revisited: Beyond the interstitial experience' doet Expodium samen met een groep kunstenaars onderzoek naar de onbestemde plekken (zgn. Terrains Vagues) in de stad.
11Jun 200914Jun 2009The history of documentaries on art is almost as long as that of cinema itself. Early on, filmmakers were fascinated by the opportunity to document the process of art coming to life. Artists’...
NO TEARS Magazine
a submission driven art & illustration magazine
The aim of new internet magazine 'No Tears' is to publish contemporary art, which is made to give happiness, to provoke, to document, and to experiment with form and content discovering purely new...
Virtual disaster
Jennifer Allen on m7red's inundacion! (flood!)
WHAT IS THE role of urban architecture in a natural disaster? As Hurricane Katrina showed, buildings have few options--weather the storm or collapse. The drowning city has become a familiar and...
Teatro do chat/Porto Alegre
Staging Cities, Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires (CCEBA). Sede calle Parana. Buenos Aires. Mauricio Corbalán, Pio Torroja
Staging cities/Buenos Aires
13أيار / مايو 2009Staging cities experiments with new ways of staging public issues. The challenge at Buenos Aires is to set up a new assembly device to give voice to emergent characters in order to expand political...
Galerie Gabriel Rolt
23أيار / مايو 200927Jun 2009Galerie Gabriel Rolt presenteert INVISIBLES, een tentoonstelling van recente schilderijen en werken op papier van Anna Bjerger (1973, Zweden). Het is Bjerger’s eerste solo tentoonstelling in...
My favourite things
My Favourite Things organises original holiday ideas, activities and accommodation in and out of Barcelona, going beyond the usual circuits to provide you with the opportunity to sneak into places...
Steven de Groot
Consultant & researcher, author in the field of aesthetics & Design thinking in organizations Lector Zuyd Hogeschool Innovatief Ondernemen Studied Design Academy & Business Administration and...
performance: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Re: Parallax
20أيار / مايو 200928Jun 2009Re:Parallax was one of the main parts of the interactive exhibition WatSpinoza? . It is a stop-motion re-enactment of Zhana Ivanova's Parallax performance with you and other people from Amsterdam as...
Flip Schrameijer
Steve Shaw
Could do with a paying job and a more permanent place to live.
Composition, Events, Editorial
exhibition: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
8أيار / مايو 200928Jun 2009During WatSpinoza? Mediamatic spread questions around Amsterdam in unexpected ways. The questions were formulated together with philosopher/writer Dirk van Weelden and can be traced back to the body...
this is a story about david f
chapter one: why he went back to his electro roots
chido johnosn
Chido is as an associate professor, he heads the Sculpture Program at the College for Creative Studies, and is a practicing artist in downtown Detroit.
Faina Lerman
Artist, researcher and educational programs facilitator
Megan Daalder
Herman Melville: Moby Dick - Mirthe van Lieshout
13Apr 200922Jun 2009Moby Dick is het belangrijkste werk van Herman Melville (1819-1891), het is het werk waardoor Melville afscheid nam van zijn reputatie als populair schrijver en het werk waardoor hij nooit vergeten...
SMART Project Space
Endless Installation
21Mar 200926Apr 2009PSWAR's new project Endless Installation: A Ghost Story For Adults started out with a research into questions of architecture and the narrative of exhibition making, as well as definitions of...
Rachelle Meyer
Illustration and Design
Ista Boszhard
Project assistent Bint el Dunya