
Kein Schmerz = No Pain

A trashy fashion show on a bike track

27 mei 2010
27 mei 2010

One catwalk. Four women with different styles and different rules. Designer outfits and loud music: a performance by Lilach Livne (Israël).


Kein Schmerz = No Pain - a performance by Lilach Livne Jans Possel

The performance starts like an ordinary fashion show, with clothes designed by Lilach Livne. But slowly all the rules are broken, and the show becomes twisted and odd.

The women are stuck in the fashion world. By their own choice? They want to be free from life. Free from emotion and pain. They want to behave like machines. But after a while they can't hide their humanity and their need to feel any longer. They try to escape. The women decide to sell their bodies and their clothes.

Choreography & clothes design: Lilach Livne (Israël)
Performers: Emma Rosgoni (Sweden) Dagmar Dachauer (Austria), Olga Tsvetkova (Russia), Lilach Livne (Israël).
Music: Chicks on Speed, Le Tigre, Avenue D.
All clothes will be sold after the show.

Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam
Start: 21.00 hrs
Doors open: 20.30 hrs
Entrance: 3 Euro