Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Universitair hoofddocent aan de computerwetenschap faculteit aan de University of California, Santa Cruz, en een adviseur voor the Expressive Intelligence Studio dat onderzoek doet naar game design...
Nick Montfort
Universitair hoofddocent digitale media aan MIT. Hij is ook dichter, computer wetenschapper en schrijver van interactieve fictie.
Albert Einstein
imagination is the core of innovation
Genius, political refugee, humanitarian, locksmith of the mysteries of the atom and the universe.
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim
philosopher (1486 - 1534/35)
Born 14 September, 1486, at Cologne; died at Grenoble or Lyons in 1534 or 1535. One of the remarkable men of the Renaissance period. Described as a 'knight, doctor, and by common reputation, a...
Andy Clark
Professor of Philosophy and Chair in Logic and Metaphysics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Before this he was director of the Cognitive Science Program at Indiana University in...
Esa Saarinen
Een Finse filosoof die momenteel hoogleraar toegepaste filosofie is aan de Universiteit van Aalto en co-directeur van de Intelligence Systems Research Group.
Peter Sloterdijk
Peter Sloterdijk was born in Karlsruhe in 1947. 36 years later, in 1983, he became the shooting star of German philosophy with the publication of his early main work ‘The Critique of Cynical Reason’ .
Irit Rogoff
A professor at Goldsmiths, University of London in the department of Visual Cultures, which she founded in 2002.
Frank Popper
A historian of art and technology and Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics and the Science of Art at the University of Paris VIII.
Michael Benedikt
The 2004 ACSA Distinguished Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, where he holds the Hal Box Chair in Urbanism. Benedikt directs the Center for American Architecture and Design.
Howard Rheingold
Een criticus, schrijver, en leraar, zijn specialiteiten zijn op het gebied van culturele, sociale en politieke implicaties van moderne communicatiemiddelen zoals het internet, mobiele telefonie en...
Alvin Toffler
Alvin Toffler (born October 3, 1928) is an American writer and futurist, known for his works discussing the digital revolution, communications revolution, corporate revolution and technological...
Kenneth Ford
Ford is the founder and director of the Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC).
Lev Manovich
New media theorist
Lev Manovich is an Associate Professor at the Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego where he teaches new media art and theory. He is the author of The Language of New Media (The...
Stan Franklin
Amerikaanse wetenschapper en professor aan de universiteit van Memphis. Mede-directeur van het Institute of Intelligent Systems.
Evelyn Fox Keller
Een Amerikaans fysicus, auteur en feministe. Ze is momenteel professor in geschiedenis en wetenschapsfilosofie aan het Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Rebecca Walkowitz
Associate Professor in the English Department and an affiliate faculty member in the Comparative Literature Program at Rutgers University.
Plato, born in Athens around 427 BC, was considered to be one of the earliest philosophers. He lived during the Age of Synthesis.
Jacques Derrida
1930 — 2004 Deconstruction Philosopher
Jacques Derrida's work originated the school of deconstruction, a strategy of analysis that has been applied to literature, linguistics, philosophy, law and architecture.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Engelse hoogleraar in de Engelse taal- en letterkunde, filoloog, dichter en theoloog. Hij werd het meest bekend als de schrijver van de klassieke werken De Hobbit, In de Ban van de Ring en De...
Roland Barthes
French social and literary critic, whose writings on semiotics made structuralism one of the leading intellectual movements of the 20th century. In his lifetime Barthes published seventeen books and...
Jean Baudrillard
Sociologist and Philosopher
A famous social philosopher and "hyper realist," he is a leading critic of the postmodern culture, the economy of communication, and the media system.
Frank Hellemans
Frank Hellemans doceert mediavakken aan de Katholieke Hogeschool Mechelen. Hij was lange tijd redacteur van het literaire tijdschrift met neus De Brakke Hond. Hij is medewerker van het weekblad Knack...
Geert Lovink
Research Professor (lector) of Interactive Media at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) and founder of the Institute of Network Cultures at HvA. Professor of Media Theory at the European Graduate...