Laura Burgers studeerde Rechten en Frans in Amsterdam, Parijs en New York. In 2016 startte ze een promotieonderzoek aan de rechtenfaculteit van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, naar de democratische...
Masuma Halai Khwaja
Masuma is a multi-disciplinary artist. Her art practice revolves around weaving cultural political and historical perspectives along with personal experiences and individual stories. Currently for...
Mediamatic Biotoop
Botanikurs 101
with Plantmom
Botanikurs 101 is a series of workshops and classes focused on plants. We invite you to learn and explore the life of plants and its systems as well as master taking care of your plants at home.
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop
De Zesvleugelige Kip en andere fabeldieren van de…
1sep 2020Waar komt het vlees wat we eten eigenlijk vandaan? Op welke schaal wordt het geproduceerd? En, wat is echt nieuws en wat is nep nieuws? Een paar jaar geleden werd er op internet geschreven over het...
Mediamatic Biotoop Clara Casal, Nadja Nolte
Okara Tempeh Recipe
Reusing okara as a substrate for biofermentation : A plant-based protein source
Most people know tempeh solely as the Indonesian dish consisting of fermented soybeans. However, many other alternatives can be used to grow tempeh. The Clean Lab team has discovered that the by
Mediamatic Biotoop Clara Casal, Nadja Nolte
How-to Tofu
Make your own Tofu from a batch of Soybeans
Why not savour the amazing qualities of soybeans by making tofu at home! Did you know that soybeans are largely indigestible? This is due to the presence of an enzyme inhibitor called protease...
Waste Diary S01E06
Update & Progress of Compost
Some updates regarding the progress of our Compost Sanctuary.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Soap Alchemy
15dec 2019Soap used to be made by combining animal fat and wood ash. Our resident expert Liza Witte will guide you through the process of creating your own plant-based soap. You will learn how to formulate...
2019 Willem Velthoven
Better 36,000 cyclists with AirPods than 1 deaf…
Update: Ok, 22 cyclists on e-bikes if you're more strict about it.
I was worried about my recent purchase of a set of wireless earbuds. The news tells me it was a bad idea to buy Apple's new gadget. Airpods are evil because they are hard to recycle and even harder...
Waste Diary S01E04
Compost progress, Gardening Remodeling
After a few initial hurdles to get the bokashi started in the Triangle space, there are now two fully-functioning Bokashi Compost bins installed. Waiting for the new, smaller buckets which will be...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Soap Alchemy
17nov 2019Soap used to be made by combining animal fat and wood ash. Our resident expert Liza Witte will guide you through the process of creating your own plant-based soap. You will learn how to formulate...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Nature needs Heroes: How to Reverse Climate Change
1nov 2019In this talk, Wessel Koning, Director of Business Development and Partnerships at Justdiggit, reveals how climate change can be reversed by bringing back vegetation. He will be joined by Suze Gehem...
Mediamatic Biotoop
Nature needs Heroes
Wereldwijde campagne voor een groenere toekomst
Timberland gelooft dat een groenere toekomst een betere toekomst is. Het merk zet zich als onderdeel van haar streven naar een groenere toekomst in om 50 miljoen bomen te planten voor 2025. Het merk...
Founded in 1973, Timberland is a global outdoor lifestyle brand based in Stratham, New Hampshire, with international headquarters in Switzerland and Hong Kong. Best known for its original yellow boot...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Nature needs Heroes: What a Waste
25okt 2019After Ron Simpson and his partner started a world famous restaurant revolving around avocados, the good news spread across the internet like wild fire. Besides a hundred thousand followers and...
Nature needs Heroes
Workshops, talks and art
Waste Exploration
A Zero-Waste Vision
I joined Mediamatic as the compost/waste management intern to help figure the various uses for waste at Mediamatic more productively. Before I delve into the wonders of waste exploration, let's take...
Plastic Whale
Plastic Whale strijdt voor plasticvrije wateren. Zij stellen zich ten doel om bij te dragen aan oplossingen voor de plastic soep door maatschappelijk bewustzijn te creëren voor het probleem. Ze...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop
Mediamatic in zesentwintig woorden
21mrt 2019Aqua Fungi Vis Play Taste Grow Lab Plant Think Vers Poep Vegan Look Doen Feel Smell Eat Piss Drink Bio Art Idee Learn Fram Cycle Leef
Robin Beers
Robin Beers is an architecture masterstudent at the ArtEZ Art Academy and designer in training at urban strategy and architecture office INBO. She designed a concept in 2019 for a hospice and wake...
Gewone smeerwortel
Calendula arvensis
Vind meer over deze plant op Wikipedia .
Canadese guldenroede
Solidago Canadensis
Vind meer over deze plant op Wikipedia .
Mediamatic Biotoop, Mediamatic Eten Magdalena Thur, Nadja Nolte, Clara Casal, Elnaz Assar
Acorn Bitterballen Recipe
Exploring the culinary potential of wild plants surrounding Mediamatic
Inspired by the variety of wild weeds surrounding Mediamatic, the Clean Lab Team set out to investigate the culinary potential of the resources which are locally and seasonally available.
Mediamatic Biotoop Clara Casal, Elnaz Assar, Magdalena Thur, Nadja Nolte
Acorn Sausages Recipe
Exploring the culinary potential of wild plants surrounding Mediamatic, the Balanophagy Team is making sausages out of acorn paste
Acorn sausages - makes 1 piece 150g acorn paste (use a blender) 1-2 potatoes 1 tbsp fried onions 1 garlic clove of garlic 2 tbsp roasted breadcrumps 1 tbsp olive oil salt and pepper Mix all...