Building with earth
11mrt 2010This fourth debate will be animated by a lecture by Martin Rauch, A pioneer of modern technical and creative applications for traditional rammed earth construction. He worked with Herzog & de Meuron...
Dream in the sea mixed with sugar
20feb 201013mrt 2010In haar werk probeert Haruka Matsuo uitdrukking te geven aan subtiele menselijke indrukken die hun basis vinden in het dagelijks leven. Ze is op zoek naar primitieve, basale emoties en ervaringen die...
Galerie Gabriel Rolt
Jodie Carey
27feb 20103apr 2010Van 27 februari tot en met 3 april exposeert Jodie Carey (Battle, UK, 1981) solo bij Galerie Gabriel Rolt. Het is haar tweede tentoonstelling bij de galerie sinds 2007 en hij volgt op haar...
19feb 201024feb 2010Streetlab_ & Bright Young Things present an exhibition about the subconscious power of imagery, the things we say by arranging them and the effects created by adding something to play to our natural...
Veerle Devreese
Veerle Devreese - Programma @ Virtueel Platform - Student MA Kunstbeleid & Management aan Universiteit Utrecht - Eerder: BA Media & Cultuur aan de UvA en HBO Academie voor Beeldende Vorming Tilburg...
Hala El Koussy
Visual artist.
Was born in Cairo in 1974. She started working as a freelance photographer in 1998. In 2002, she completed an MA in Image and Communication at Goldsmiths College, University of London and lectured on...
HvA Kernproject
Fix your iPhone app
Mediamatic vroeg HvA studenten een iPhone app te maken voor de fixed gear tentoonstelling. Op deze pagina kun je hun werkproces volgen. Opdracht: "Maak een iPhone app met de doortrapper als...
SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design…
4nov 20107nov 2010 -
Sur Place Events
Workshops, salons, films and parties
Great bike events all summer long. Become a fan of Sur Place and we'll update you regularly. It's that easy. All you have to do is bring your bike!
SIERAAD Art Fair, intern.jewellery design fair
De beurs SIERAAD is in 2001 opgezet als een platform voor mensen die een fantastisch beroep gekozen hebben, waar ze al hun ideeën in kwijt kunnen, maar die als kleine zelfstandigen een gering bereik...
Bart Driessen
founder and partner of Zinnebeeld
Zinnebeeld is a graphic and interactive design agency based in Rotterdam, Netherlands. We design and produce corporate identities, books, websites and more.
Workshop: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Sneaker and t-shirt customizing with LEYP
26mrt 201026mrt 2010Driven by a shared passion for sneakers, three friends created Leyp.com in 2004. Creative in different aspects, Leyp has engaged in many different activities. Their focus came to lie on sneaker...
Mascha Rood
Marketing & Communications @ Koninklijke Jumbo with a focus on online; Former Product & Brand Manager Virtual World/Online Games with experience in Communications, PR & Marketing.
I'm an enthusiastic, driven, communicative person with a great interest in art, culture, design, new media and games. I try to keep up with the newest developments and to incorporate these elements...
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS Mayken Craenen
2nd Round
23feb 2010The second Round became an evening full of variation with presentations about Goldsprint, Sunday at the Track and Amsterdam - Paris.
Sergio Gwercman
Brazilian, journalist, editor-in-chief of Superinteressante magazine.
meike de Haas
3rd year graphic design student, Academie Minerva, Groningen.
Fabian Hijlkema
Independent graphic designer
I'm a graphic designer with a conceptual approach to visual problems. Look for: www.fabianhijlkema.nl www.weloveitwhenaplancomestogether.com www.captain-graphics.com www.marvinkarl.nl
Gaby de Boer
Internship @ Mattmo Concept | Design www.mattmo.nl Student Interactive Media @ Hogeschool van Amsterdam Project Manager Interactive @ www.smel.net
Artmiks /image builders/
Artmiks' belief is that a strong communication concept is the departure point of any successful positioning solution.
I love mushrooms
Published on the blog, FFFFOUND! , is this interesting graphic work
19feb 201027feb 2010Susan Haire, visual artist from London and Stephen Dydo, composer from New York are coming to Amsterdam to show their latest installation, Watermusic. This will be exhibited at outLINE from 20...
Sur Place
Tentoonstelling over Urban Bike Culture
Breng je fiets mee voor een ritje door Mediamatic Bank en ontdek de rijke cultuur die groeide rond een eenvoudige fiets: de doortrapper. Sporters, koeriers, verzamelaars, kunstenaars en andere...
Arda van Dam
Gijs van Amelsvoort
i love riding track bikes, good coffee, watching bad movies, collecting old punk records, spend my summers in NYC, i studied graphic design and visual communication, i now run a trackbike shop/vegan...