Natsu Sato
language @ theory of clouds
Two artists are sitting in a second floor cafe in the Central Hundori, Sannomiya, Kobe. The artists do not share a language in common, yet their conversation is lively and animated. The two men sit...
Can Sarvan
She was born in Istanbul. She studied philosophy in Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, did not graduate.
Kees Veling
Huub van der Put
Owner Huub Concept & Creatie
It makes death look okay!
3D at the Ik R.I.P. opening
3D paid a visit to the Ik R.I.P. opening. See what he experienced. Review taken from the 3D List: Week # 21 Subscribe for this weekly email service at sos.kunst [at] gmail.com
Francis Frith, Kabul, Afghanistan
Robert Kluijver
Art & Political Analysis
I lived in Kabul for six and a half years. In 2000 I set up an office in Kabul for the preservation of Afghan cultural heritage; from 2001 to 2003 I worked as political affairs officer for the UN and...
Valeria Marraco
Studying directing at the National Film school of Denmark.
Kirsten Catijn
Rebecca Wotzko
googles it.
Hello! I worked at Mediamatic for the Wat Spinoza festival.
Maxalot Pop-Up Gallery
CuteXdoom @ Maxalot gallery
13feb 2009Maxalot is pleased to announce the exhibition of CuteXdoom II, a fantastical new work by media artists Anita Fontaine and Mike Pelletier. CuteXdoom II is the second installment in Fontaine’s ongoing...
W139 Gijs Frieling
The Tropical Years & The Best of Both Worlds
30jan 20091mrt 2009De hele wereld is vol betekenis, wij zijn voortdurend en met gekmakend succes bezig om iedere waarneming direct van het adequate begrip te voorzien. De grote inspanning van de kunst is er juist op...
duro toomato
Mayke van Oirschot
Moeder, echtgenote, vriendin, collega, (schoon)dochter, (schoon)zus, buuv, etc. Passie voor communicatie in brede zin: via allerlei middelen, maar zeker ook nog face-to-face. What you see is what you...
Jeroen JJ Graus
Fundament of Construction
What is reality? pieces of analogue? digital pixels? experiencing Virtual Reality? We live in the near future in a world where more and more (virtual) realities are created. These new realities...
De Doelen
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2009
21jan 20091feb 2009Het International Film Festival Rotterdam vertoont vanaf 21 januari tot en met 1 februari circa 300 lange films en 400 korte films. Bijna 400 filmmakers en ongeveer 2500 filmprofessionals uit hele...
DOEN Pitch van ANP Historisch Archief
Voorstel voor een community als plek waar jong en oud samen een stuk geschiedenis van Nederland in beeld brengen!
albert figurt
nature leaves the leaves leave the trees and fall in the fall
Albert Figurt was born 27 years ago He lives between his very small hometown and the rest of the world His body is mainly fueled by vegetables, milk and chocolate wafers He gets off in the...
Project Perform 08/09 Perform Platform
Performance and more
Project Perform is een coachings- en ontwikkelingstraject voor jonge beeldend kunstenaars die zich bezighouden met performancekunst.
Faiz Zohri
joe elias
Palazzo Rinaldi
Artists' Residence, South of Italy
Located in the hilltop village of Noepoli, in the National Park of Pollino. Palazzo Rinaldi provides an elegant, inspiring setting for artists of all disciplines to relax, unwind and focus on their...