1 jan 2005
What are the Issues Covered
@ the Interactive Narration Workshops?
In each Workshop we view the Possibilities and Difficulties surrounding Interactive Narration from the Perspective of the Participants' Discipline.
1 jan 2003
@ The Korsakow Workshops
Who is Who?
Workshop: Mediamatic Post CS
Workshop Interactive Narration
12jun 200317jun 2003In cooperation with the Grenzeloos Geluid festival, Mediamatic is organising a workshop for Dutch media makers. In this 5 day workshop the participants will explore the possibilities interactive...
1 jan 2003
What does it mean?
The etymology of the term "Korsakow"
The expression syndrome is a medical term, which describes a serious damage of short time memory, typical of very heavy alcohol abusers. Korsakow syndrome patients often compensate their lack of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Post CS
Symposium Interactieve Vertellers
4mei 2003Om 10.00 uur s' morgens begon bij Mediamatic het inleidend symposium van de workshop Interactieve Vertellers : een praktische en theoretische workshop over het vertellen van verhalen met interactieve...
1 jan 2003
Korsakow Software
How and Where to get IT
Workshop Archive Passagiersterminal
Workshop Interactive Narration
12mei 200317mei 2003In cooperation with the upcoming World Wide Video Festival, Mediamatic is organizing a special workshop about interactive narration for video artists.
1 jan 2005
Description Workshops Interactive Narration
Day-by-Day Outline of the Workshop
What are the different issues covered in the workshop on Interactive Narration?
De Balie
Linking the Real
14mrt 2003Een lezing van Hans Bouwknegt waarin onze vastgeroeste ideeen over verhaal, plot en perspectief worden onderuit gehaald.
Galerie Fons Welters
22feb 200329mrt 2003Solotentoonstelling van Jennifer Tee (1973). Playstation met werk van John Hodany (1974).
1 jan 2002
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
director, writer, actor (1946-1982)
Fassbinder is renowned for politically controversial plays and motion pictures that often criticize social institutions.
Daniel Kurjacovic 1 jan 2002
Strange Relationships
Split: Fragment 1 -4
She is leaning on the window, motionless, her right hand flat against the glass, her head bent slightly downwards.
small world
Mediamatic Foundation (pub), Vol9#4/10#1 The Printed Issue, isbn 90 74728 308, Amsterdam 1999, Mac/Win cd-rom
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Minne Buwalda 1 jan 1994
The expanded Book Toolkit, Voyager Company
Compared to the printed word, digital media offer a number of advantages: entire libraries can be conveniently stored and the information in the books is more easily accessible. Texts can also be...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Adilkno 1 jan 1994
Virtueel Schrijven
Iedereen is een ontwerper
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Paul Groot 1 jan 1994
The Satanic Verses as a Minimal Movie
Pentiums, PowerPC chips en CD-Roms zijn de hoofdrolspelers geworden in het multimediale spektakel. Maar wat moet je als je alleen over een Macintosh Powerbook 145 beschikt, zwart-wit, en toch aan de...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Geert-Jan Strengholt 1 jan 1998
Our Secret century
Slowly but surely, everyone has become accustomed to the frequent use of 'found footage', often obscure film material being reapplied in the new context of a feature film, music video or TV ad. The...
book: Rick Prelinger
Our Secret century
A series curated and hosted by Rick Prelinger Volume 1-12 released by The Voyager Company 1995-97, ISBN (1+2) 1 55940 663 1, (3+4) 155940 664 X, (5+6) 1 55940 664 5, (7+8) 1 55940 666 6, Mac/Windows...
Mathilde ter Heijne's For a better World is a virtual essay on some of the public self-immolations to have been carried out in recent decades, illustrated with video footage and the spoken commentary...
For a better World Buy now!
Mediamatic Foundation (pub), Amsterdam 2002, isbn 90 74728 32 4, English text, 11 euro
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#1 Bert Mulder 1 jan 1992
Rumour has it...
The computer is the canvas of our time, on which we inscribe our beliefs and read the stories we tell ourselves. The quality of the canvas determines the quality of our communications. To date
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Paul Groot 1 jan 1995
From Home to Home: the Escape Route
Come with me, take me home! I have no home. Fix your typewriter. If you fix your typewriter, you have your home.
Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Constantijn Huygens ArtEZ
18feb 200221feb 2002Vier dagen op zoek naar het 'babelgehalte' in onze hedendaagse cultuur. Niet alleen in de beeldende kunst maar ook in de muziek, filosofie, literatuur, film, economie en politiek. Tentoonstelingen
book: Brenda Laurel 10 sep 1993
Computers as Theatre