1 Oca 2004
Frank Gehry
Sculptural Architect
The belief that 'architecture is art' has been a part of Frank Gehry's being for as long as he can remember.
1 Oca 2004
Interactive Children's Film Workshop
A Mediamatic workshop in Oulu, Finland, from the 12th till the 17th of November 2004.
Interactive story structures change the way how to tell and to experience stories. But how ? In interactive storytelling, filmmakers can no longer only regard themselves as the creator of a story
Nachtsalon FOAM: Vive la Mode
14Eki 2004Programma:
Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
Han Tümertekin
25Eki 2004Han Tümertekin geeft een lezing in de Brakke grond.
Club Transmediale & MUTEK present NAROD NIKI
30Eyl 2004MUTEK, the eternally touring Canadians, including Crackhaus and Deadbeat, and Club Tranmediale are organizing a notebook conglomeration for ultimate audio visual saturation in the Volksbühne in...
Van Gogh Museum
L'Art Nouveau. La Maison Bing
26Kas 200427Şub 2005Het Van Gogh Museum organiseert een tentoonstelling over het onstaan van Art nouveau, gezien vanuit het perspectief van Siegfried Bing (1835-1905). De naam van zijn in 1895 opgerichtte kunsthandel...
't Hoogt
Cremaster 3
2Eki 20044Eki 2004Matthew Barney is al tien jaar met mijn Cremaster cyclus bezig. Zijn vijfde deel is een mengeling tussen een zombie thriller en gangsterfilm, met als uitgangspunt, evenals de rest van de cyclus, de...
Krystian Woznicki 1 Oca 2003
oder: Warum schwingst Du einen Hullahoop-Reifen um Deinen Hals?
salon Mediamatic Post CS
On top of the Roof
12Eyl 200412Eyl 2004Animated Miracles, Small Town Fashion, Nepco goes United Nations and Oorbeek's electro acoustical impro.
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
19Ağs 2004Avond met mix van muziek, dans, poezie en beeldende kunst.
22Tem 2004Vertoning van Running Fence van Christo
1 Oca 2004
Kirk Woolford
Designer, photographer & programmer
He has worked both as technical and creative director for numerous online entertainment and education systems.
Mode show 2004
22 afstudeerders die voor het eerst mogen uitpakken voor pers en publiek. Drie keer Om 16 uur-18 uur- 20 uur- Onze is de middelste Aankomst:17.20 Het was zoeken en haasten om nu te...
Audrey Hepburn
8Tem 20041Eyl 2004Meer dan 20 films van Audrey Hepburn
4Tem 200411Tem 2004Tentoonstelling met werk van Dirk-Jan Jager, Monali Meher en Mariette Renssen
1 Oca 2004
Interactive Video at World Wide Video Festival
Workshop in Amsterdam for European Video Artists from 10 to 14 June
Five intense days of exploring, discussing and building interactive video projects with international video artists during the World Wide Video Festival in Amsterdam from 10 to 14 June 2004. Get...
1 Oca 2004
Peter Weibel
Peter Weibel was born in Columbia in 1961, grew up in Switzerland,
1 Oca 2004
Bruno Ninaber van Eyben
Anything more would be unnecessary, anything less impossible.
This is the maxim of Bruno Ninaber van Eyben in whose work a quiet dialogue goes on between form, function, technique and material
1 Oca 2004
Yariv Alter Fin
During the dark days at the end of 2003 Yariv Alter Fin showed two projections at the Mediamatic Supermarkt. He made Burn and The Kiss specifically for the holiday season.
1 Oca 2004
Rik van Iersel
Materials, media and life itself.
Mediamatic Off-Line Vol. 11#2 Paul Groot 1 Oca 2004
I am Mai
Selfportrait of an artist as a young woman
Mai Ueda kept a diary, updated daily, for Mediamatic Outside Projections from 10 to 23 November 2003. A series of fourteen meetings over two weeks. A new instalment every day, within ever-changing...
1 Oca 2004
Omar Muñoz-Cremers
Dreamer, Writer, Reader
Studied sociology as well as dynamics of science and technology
1 Oca 2004
Venice and
The Silent Service
Between November 24 and December 7 Venice and The Silent Service by Vanessa Beecroft were to be seen.
1 Oca 2003
Mediamatic Outdoor Projections
In November 2002 Mediamatic started a series of projections on Mediamatic Supermarket.