Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Star Ferry Movements
1okt 200514okt 2005Ting Chan and Yee Ling Tang made a selection of photographic work they think portrays the interaction between China and the Netherlands.
Cognitive development: from human evolution to…
8jul 2005What roles do nature and nurture play in cognitive development? A symposium organized by the Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam, sparked by theories developed by Michael Tomasello.
De Balie
Art is not Bioterrorism
9feb 2005A benefit for Steve Kurtz, the leader of the Critical Art Ensemble, who has been arrested for potential bioterrorism activity.
Dordrechts Museum
14feb 2005With articles from MindWhatYouWear, Bulk Design, Tinkebell and many, many others for sale.
Zoot Derks
Master Artistic Research UvA
Zoot invites you 19 feb and 01 march 2009 to the exhibition in W139 "The Best of both Worlds" Zoot Derks Joa Hug Zbigniew Maciak Imke Ruigrok Vital Stahievitc 19 th february 20.00 OPENING with...
Cafe Moskau
28okt 200430okt 2004A conference to get to know the characters so endlessly depicted in graffiti, animation and other arts. Character design is an important in depth part of all narrative art, and the emphasis of this...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Lex Wouterloot 1 jan 1994
Celestial Data for the End of Time
De Mormonen, lidmaten van de Kerk van Jezus Christus van de Heiligen der Laatste Dagen, hebben dataverzameling op een religieus plan gebracht. Het gaat hen daarbij om genealogische gegevens. De...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Dirk van Weelden 1 jan 1998
De Landa
A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History
This long-awaited book by Manuel DeLanda bears an imposing title for its three hundred pages plus notes. Is it meant as a joke? No. Does it have to do with some childrens or MTV history of the...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Manuel De Landa 1 jan 1995
Homes: Meshwork or Hierarchy?
How do homes happen? Are they planned, as we have intuitively tended to believe, or is the process a more messy one? Drawing on biological, cognitive and economic models, De Landa believes that the...
Hein Masseling 1 jan 1998
Artificial Evolution in an Artificial World
Een van de meest frustrerende zaken voor evolutiebiologen was tot voor kort het feit dat het evolutieproces als proces niet direct is waar te nemen. Met de recente ontwikkeling van de discipline van...
book: José van Dijck 1 mrt 1998
Popular Images of Genetics
Wetenschapshistoricus Jose van Dijck onderzoekt de rol van beelden en verbeelding in populaire voorstellingen van de nieuwe genetica sinds de late jaren 50.