presentation: Mediamatic Post CS
N event 9
24Kas 200526Kas 2005After Dinner concert in Mediamatic's Food Facility. With the N collective makin' some fine experimental tunes for everyone who visited. incl. the Trophybeaters.
UvA Auditorium
Right about Now:
30Kas 2005Interactivity through the eyes of the theorists. After all, with the users, the designers and the artists getting all hot on the matter, who's theory to lag behind? A lecture by Claire Bishop and...
Lonneke Theelen 1 Oca 1997
Mobtagging DisCourse Report
After the mobtagging workshop @ ANMI summerschool 2005
How can we use and describe the content of unstructured online information in a personal and efficient way? How can we filter the overload of information faster and more adequately? The solution...
Musis Sacrum
Digitaal Erfgoed conferentie 2005:
9Kas 200510Kas 2005lezingen, workshops, expertmeetings, informatiemarkt... Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland en Virtueel Platform organizeren een conferentie over innovatie en cultureel erfgoed vanuit nationaal en...
Report on Triggered by RFID
After the first Mediamatic RFID workshop from the 13th till the 15th of July 2005
Mediamatics' first Triggered by RFID workshop presented a mix of lecturers, cases, project proposals and technical lessons, and attracted an international group of artists, designers, engineers and...
NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky
17Eki 200520Eki 2005Who's using open source and where? A convention for those exploiting open source code and for those who want to adopt it alike. With the exciting likes of Linux, Apache, Perl and MySQL, to Plone
Radio Soulwax
27Eki 20056 straight hours of DeWaele brothers bootlegs. If you're up to Destiny's Child mixed with Nirvana, or the Clash mixed with Prince, or maybe just some choppy dEUS... For happy dancers only.
Installation Club 11, PostCS
Playing FLICKR v2.0
19Eyl 20052Eki 2005Playing FLICKR is a public space installation by Mediamatic on the 11th floor of the PostCS building in Amsterdam.
STEIM presents the Hub and friends
23Haz 2005With Tim Perkis & Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Roddy Schrock & Robert van Heumen. The Hub is a veteran computer network band, and will be performing Thursday with part of the band in Berlin and part of...
Reader for Mobtagging Workshop
Links on social software, tags and CBPP
Mobtagging is the practice of a large group of users who freely apply and exchange tags (metadata) to a set of unstructured online information. The aim is to describe content more adequately
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Exploring Splendid Immersion
28Mayıs 2005Hosted by V2_ curator Stephen Kovats, this forum is open to architects, designers and artists, who want to discuss and learn more about the art works presented at the exhibition.
Reader for Hybrid World Lab
A collection of projects, theory and criticism on Hybrid World developments and RFID
Locative-GPS GeoTracing : is a software platform for creating multimedial geo-applications. Bliin.com : Bliin lets you share your location and geo-tagged photos from your handset in real-time.
Installation Club 11, PostCS
Playing FLICKR v1.0
9Mayıs 200516Mayıs 2005For one week in May, the diners in Restaurant 11 will be confronted with the photos the users of Playing FLICKR select. By sending a keyword through SMS, users can request all photos on the flickr.
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
CrashCourse Triggered by RFID
13Tem 200515Tem 2005Triggered by RFID CrashCourse is designed as a Think-and-do Tank which explores RFID from an artist's/ designer's point of view. Large logistical companies see RFID as the ultimate application for...
Workshop Archive WTC Amsterdam
Mobtagging DisCourse
25Ağs 200526Ağs 2005Mobtagging, also known as folksonomy or social tagging, is what happens when users freely apply and exchange labels (metadata) to online information. This practice could change the ways in which...
On Videoletters.net
Connecting people in cyberspace
Videoletters is a series of 20+ documentaries made by Eric van den Broek and Katarina Rejger, in which they show how they connect people from former Yugoslavia by taping and delivering videoletters.
Filmmuseum Cinerama
Sonic Lens
8Nis 2005A theatrical event using unidentified fragments from the Film Museum's archives,
Workshop Archive Universität der Künste Berlin
Public Workshop Sessions
10Şub 2004Join these public sessions to witness the development of interactive films!
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
Site-analyse & Usability
31Oca 20051Şub 2005Workshop website improvement. Een workshop voor mensen die een website ontworpen hebben of beheren en niet helemaal tevreden zijn met het resultaat. Tijdens de workshop kijk je kritisch naar je...
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
AnyStory Workshop
26Ağs 200427Ağs 2004AnyStory is een Content Management System dat speciaal bedoeld is voor het maken van verhalensites. Het legt inhoudelijke verbanden tussen verschillende verhalen, waardoor een gebruiker makkelijk...
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
No Content: de anti-anti- kunst van Jodi
16Ara 2004Lezing door Josephine Bosma
De Appel
Who's to follow?
11Ara 200412Ara 2004Symposium on art from Turkey, romania and Bulgaria.
Ruben van Leer
Vote On Yourself!
Cozy Togetherness (gezelligheid!)
Joanna van der Zanden
Throwing Snowballs concepts and curation >independent thinker, teaser, dreamer, teacher, entrepreneur. >design activism: dare to share