Diverse plekken Rotterdam
Internationale Architectuur Biënnale Rotterdam
7mei 20037jul 2003Deze eerste keer staat de Architectuur Biënnale geheel in het teken van het thema Mobiliteit. Curator is Francine Houben (Mecanoo architecten en hoogleraar aan de TU Delft).
1 jan 2003
Hakim Bey
Avant-garde poet / philosopher
Bey's work departs from the academic tradition, rediscovering mystery and magic as means of reconquering joy of life and defeating boredom.
Baby Gallery
Fur Innovation Award
20feb 2003Presentatie van de eerste Fur Innovation Award.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 jan 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (3)
The Ecology of Fear
Parallelle Universa
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 jan 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (2)
The Ecology of Fear
De Halve Manen van de Onderdrukking
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 jan 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (1)
The Ecology of Fear
Iedere Amerikaanse stad heeft een eigen wapen en lijfspreuk. Een aantal steden houdt er een gemeentelijke mascotte op na, sommige hebben een eigen kleur of lied, een vogel, boom of steen zelfs. Maar...
media theorists
ADILKNO / BILWET (Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge / Stichting tot Bevordering van Illegale Wetenschap ) was founded in 1983 as a collective of five artists/authors, Geert Lovink
Witte de With
Contemporary Arab Representations
15sep 200224nov 2002Contemporary Arab Representations is a long-term project which includes seminars, publications, performances and presentations.
Arie Altena 1 jan 2002
Rambling Thoughts on Reality Engineering
Introduction of the symposium Reality Engineering and the Computer
How could you deal with the internet, master-infrastructure of our world, and totally escape from contemporary society? It's impossible. As soon as you think twice about computer technology, you end...
Ingeborg Houwen 1 jan 2001
Diagram A Speech-in-Space Act 1.2
Science Fiction Performance Drama (Part 2 of 5)
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Harrie Roumen 1 jan 1994
Tony Fry, Rua TV?: Heidegger and Televisual, Power Publications, Sydney 1993
Tony Fry, teacher at the Power Institute of Fine Arts in Sydney, organized a course about the televisual in 1990. According to Fry, such a course was needed because Western intelligentsia consider tv...
book: Tony Fry 1 jan 1993
Heidegger and the Televisual
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#4 Arjen Mulder, Michael Wetzel 1 jan 1992
Paul Virilio, L'Écran du Désert, Galilée 1991
Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Desert Screen. The long duration of the first phase, between the invasion of Kuwait and the first air raids on Baghdad, was not a result of the fact that it was, humanly...
book: Paul Virilio 1 jan 1991
L'Écran du Désert
Chroniques de Guerre
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#4 Ger Peeters 1 jan 1992
Peter Reichel, Faszination und Gewalt des Faschismus, Hanser München 1991
In the 1920s Ernst Bloch wrote: 'the day is empty, there is no work, duty is hard and the people are calling for play.' The Nazis understood this better than anyone.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Wolfgang Ernst 1 jan 1995
Diller, Scofidio
Visite aux armées / Back to the front
Perhaps the most unfortunate thing about this book is its title: in its fixation on the phenomenon of the tourism of war it does indeed play down the much more cogent insight heralded by its...
book: Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio 1 jan 1994
Visite aux armées / Back to the front
Tourismes de guerre / Tourism of War
book: Peter Sloterdijk 1 jan 1993
Medien - Zeit
book: Jean Baudrillard 1 jan 1992
L'illusion de la fin
ou, La grève des événements
Mediamatic Magazine 8#2/3 Geert Lovink 1 jan 1995
Jean Baudrillard, L'illusion de la fin, Édition Galilée, Paris 1992
Dietmar Kamper says in an interview with Rudolf Maresch: Jean Baudrillard is an extremely conservative thinker who certainly does not betray the ideals of the bourgeois revolution. He observes with...
book: Jean Baudrillard 1 jan 1994
Die Illusion des Endes
oder Der Streik der Ereignisse
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Jorinde Seijdel 1 jan 1994
Operation Re-store World
Zoals iedereen weet, wordt onze planeet voortdurend in de gaten gehouden door groene ruimtemannetjes.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Lex Wouterloot 1 jan 1994
Celestial Data for the End of Time
De Mormonen, lidmaten van de Kerk van Jezus Christus van de Heiligen der Laatste Dagen, hebben dataverzameling op een religieus plan gebracht. Het gaat hen daarbij om genealogische gegevens. De...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Peter Fend 1 jan 1994
Promoting our Lady of Victory, for a New Holy Roman Empire
After portraying a foreign world tennis champion in most unflattering terms, creating a mass-media climate conducive to her stabbing, the German press has proceeded to foster the elevation of their...